Thursday, September 20

All The Eights

Yesterday came the much anticipated announcement of what number and sponsors would grace Dale Earnhardt’s car for 2008. Anything to do with DJR’s move to Hendricks’s has followed a tidal wave of media attention and yesterday was no different.

He failed to agree a deal to bring his coveted number ‘8’ from DEI. The old adage of never work with family, or at least step-family rings through over that whole issue! That the moving on his long time sponsors Bud meant that it was all change on the outside and allot of getting used to for the Junior Nation. As many have pointed out, tattoo parlours will be busy in the close-season.

Numbers were thrown around with the only guarantee that an ‘8’ would be in it. We learned yesterday that he will adorn the ‘88’, which had been acquired from current owners Robert Yates Racing. The next best choice of number. Along with the new number it was announced that Mountain Dew and its energy brand Amp, along with the National Guard will sponsor the new 88. Both schemes were presented to the media yesterday.

This just gives you an idea of the impact that Junior has over there. To draw comparisons, think Beckham. The press conference was televised as well as shown on the NASCAR website. Within half an hour of the announcement the website already had as section set up to buy the new 88 merchandise. Before the night was out the first pictures of the gear were up. Talk about quick work. Reminds me so much of the Beckham move. Who would seriously think we would see LA Galaxy jerseys over here for sale, let alone people buying them. (Still haven’t figured that one out). Given the style of the font, I wonder whether HMS will have a new one for next season. The 88 font is very similiar to that found on the 18 Joe Gibbs cars. Usually amongst the big teams they tend to carry the same font through. This one is completely different to that carried by the current four HMS cars. However it could be a simple case of Junior having his own style.

Never has a move in motorsport generated this sort of hype and attention. Now that all the pieces are settling into place there is little left for Junior to do than wait for 2008 and let his skills in the stock car take centre stage.

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